Wednesday, December 31, 2014

MrRebates返利先生美國網路購物返利網站優惠:The Body Shop,Dorco,Ralph Lauren+美國返利


Banana Republic:使用優惠碼:BRSALESale5折起,返利3%
Banana Republic香蕉共和國為GAP集團旗下比較偏向貴族風格,設計款式較為流行新穎,屬於中高價位服飾品牌,是美國大眾普遍接受且喜歡的品牌之一。

The Body Shop: Sale25折起,滿30美元免郵費,返利先生返利12%
The Body Shop美體小鋪是高品質面部肌膚及身體護理產品的護膚品牌,不使用動物測試的政策使成為首個獲頒化妝品人道準則的國際化妝品品牌。


Ralph Lauren:冬季特惠3折起,精選家居產品7折,MrRebates返利5%

Ralph Lauren (拉爾夫·勞倫)有著濃濃美國氣息的高品味時裝品牌,除時裝外,拉夫勞倫品牌還包括香水、童裝、家居等產品。旗下有兩個著名品牌"Lauren Ralph Lauren”(拉夫·勞倫女裝)和"Polo Ralph Lauren”(拉爾夫·勞倫馬球男裝)。


記得你在美國網絡購物都可以用美國網路購物返利網站(註冊就都送5美元)得到返利節省購物成本(建議先註冊備用),推薦使用Mr.rebates(返 利 先生: ),信譽優良,返利有保障,也可以嘗試新興的Extrabux ),現在返利比例高!(另一個經典返利網站是Ebates 跟單技術強,返利穩定 )三個都註冊後輪著使用,可以拿到註冊送的15美元。美國網上購物新手推薦綜合購物網站iHerb快遞直郵可追蹤,部分支援中文。網址: ,使用iHerb優惠碼LUH757還有新用戶首次購物立減10美元優惠

Mr.Rebates Coupons and Sale:Dorco,Ralph Lauren,The Body Shop+Extra Cash Back

Mr.Rebates offer a cash back rebate at over 2000 popular stores, you will save money with daily,latest money-saving coupons and special sales/price.

MrRebates Deals, Coupons and Sale (12/31/2014):
Dorco: Free US Shipping on $25+ Order, 6% Cash Back Rebate.
Dorco USA is widely recognized around the world for its cutting-edge shaving technology and superior quality razors, systems and cartridges.

Ralph Lauren:Up to 30% off Select Home Items.Up to 70% off Winter Sale,5% Cash Back Rebate.
Ralph Lauren has always stood for providing quality products. We were the innovators of lifestyle advertisements that tell a story and the first to create stores that encourage customers to participate in that lifestyle.

Banana Republic: Shop Banana Republic today and take 50% Off sale! Use code: BRSALE at checkout. 3% Cash Back Rebate.
Delivering elevated design and luxurious fabrications at approachable prices, Banana Republic has been credited with helping make runway style more accessible for millions of customers.

The Body Shop: Up to 75% off Sale Items, Plus Free Shipping on Orders $30+.12% Cash Back Rebate.
Find beauty and skin care products at one of the most popular beauty stores: The Body Shop.

Register Mr.Rebates ($5 Sign Up Bonus),See More Coupons and Deals and Get Extra Cash Back!

Note:Get Cash Back Rebates When You Shopping Online(Rebates website give you $5 Sign Up Bonus, and once you accumulate just $10, you can request a payment, either Paypal or a check!). Highly Recommend Mr.rebates, ,since 2002 and has an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau . Or You can chose Ebates,,the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping.( Or You can try a new Online Shopping Rebate Site: Extrabux, ).The iHerb Coupon Code LUH757 is up to $10 off of any first-time purchase of $40 or more for new customers,details: .

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Amazon網路購物美國亞馬遜優惠:巴黎歐萊雅L'Oreal Paris7折優惠;Year-End促銷3折起


巴黎歐萊雅L'Oreal Paris暢銷護膚商品7折優惠:


Armani Exchange品牌商品下單5折折扣:
A/X (Armani Exchange) 是著名品牌阿瑪尼 (Armani) 旗下的副牌,A/X (Armani Exchange) 針對的消費群體是年輕時尚的潮流一族,通過輕鬆的風格與舒適低調的奢華,體現獨特魅力,設計上也更加前衛大膽,其不論剪裁、衣料、感覺和輪廓,都盡顯Armani的時裝智慧,展現都會的時尚。



記得你在美國網絡購物都可以用美國網路購物返利網站(註冊就都送5美元)得到返利節省購物成本(建議先註冊備用),推薦使用Mr.rebates(返 利 先生: ),信譽優良,返利有保障,也可以嘗試新興的Extrabux ),現在返利比例高!(另一個經典返利網站是Ebates 跟單技術強,返利穩定 )三個都註冊後輪著使用,可以拿到註冊送的15美元。美國網上購物新手推薦綜合購物網站iHerb快遞直郵可追蹤,部分支援中文。網址: ,使用iHerb優惠碼LUH757還有新用戶首次購物立減10美元優惠 Deals,Up to 70% Off;30% Off L'Oreal Paris;50% off Armani Exchange Year-End Deals Coupons, Sales and Deal:

Year-End Deals, Up to 70% Off:
2014 after-Christmas sales and deals--find low prices on holiday clearance, overstocks, and markdowns during this year-end event.
or you can visit: , and Share With Your Friends.

30% Off Beauty Best-Sellers from L'Oreal Paris:

50% off Storewide Armani Exchange:
Discounts applies to full price and sale items. Exclusions: Watches, Sunglasses, Black Edition Styles, Select Styles displaying the message Excluded From Event. This cannot be combined with past orders.

More Amazon Coupons:

Register Ebates ($5 Sign Up Bonus) and Shop At get Cash back from Ebates:

search Amazon and make sure the items on cash back select departments.
Note:Get Cash Back Rebates When You Shopping Online(Rebates website give you $5 Sign Up Bonus, and once you accumulate just $10, you can request a payment, either Paypal or a check!). Highly Recommend Mr.rebates ,since 2002 and has an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau . Or You can chose Ebates,the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping.( Or You can try a new Online Shopping Rebate Site: Extrabux ).The iHerb Coupon Code LUH757 is up to $10 off of any first-time purchase of $40 or more for new customers,details: .


 iHerb是一個能夠直郵全球的美國綜合線上購物商城,記得在iHerb首次購物結算的時候可以輸入iHerb優惠碼:LUH757立即優惠10美元(在購物車頁面View Cart & Check Out中,Estimated Shipping行下麵有個Apply Coupon Code輸入框,輸入iHerb優惠碼:LUH757,點擊輸入框後面的圖示就可以優惠10美元了。如顯示You provided referral code LUH757則表示新人折扣碼已正確輸入(訂單滿40美元,不足40美元優惠5美元)。


ChildLife, Probiotics with Colostrum Powder, Natural Orange/Pineapple Flavor, 1.7 oz (50 g)
另有咀嚼片ChildLife, Probiotics with Colostrum, Mixed Berry Flavor, 90 Chewable Tablets
Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus, Wild Cherry, 120 Chewable Tablets
還有粉劑產品Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus, Powder, 6.3 oz (178.6 g)
Mt. Capra, CapraColostrum, Goat Milk Colostrum, 120 Capsules
Mt. Capra羊初乳膠囊。試過了牛初乳,還可以試試羊初乳。


21st Century Health Care, Colostrum, 500 mg, 120 Capsules
21st Century Health Care醫藥級的牛初乳膠囊。
Symbiotics, Colostrum Plus, 240 Capsules
Now Foods, Colostrum, 500 mg, 120 Capsules
Now Foods牛初乳膠囊,含有豐富的免疫球蛋白和乳鐵蛋白。




Monday, December 29, 2014



美國網上購物Holiday Sales美國節日購物季熱門優惠返利促銷:

Ulla Popken: Sale區商品額外7折,折扣碼:E44C129B,返利3.0%
Ulla Popken是德國的著名服裝品牌。


施華洛世奇 SWAROVSKI)從生產精確切割水晶首飾石的製造商發展到全球首屈一指的水晶設計和時尚品牌。


記得你在美國網絡購物都可以用美國網路購物返利網站(註冊就都送5美元)得到返利節省購物成本(建議先註冊備用),推薦使用Mr.rebates(返 利 先生: ),信譽優良,返利有保障,也可以嘗試新興的Extrabux ),現在返利比例高!(另一個經典返利網站是Ebates 跟單技術強,返利穩定 )三個都註冊後輪著使用,可以拿到註冊送的15美元。美國網上購物新手推薦綜合購物網站iHerb快遞直郵可追蹤,部分支援中文。網址: ,使用iHerb優惠碼LUH757還有新用戶首次購物立減10美元優惠

Ebates Holiday Hot Deal,Coupon and Sale:Jockey,Swarovski,Nike+Cash Back

Ebates:the pioneer and Leader of online Cash Back Shopping.

Ebates Holiday Final Sales, Coupons and Hot Deals (12/29/2014):
Jockey: Free shipping on $75+ order, and Free returns. Sale items. + 4.0% Cash Back

Swarovski: Online Sale! Get incredible discounts up to 50% off on a limited selection of crystal creations. Buy now! Plus 2.5% Cash Back.

Nike: Extra 25% off Clearance.Coupon Code: HATTRICK, + 8.0% Cash Back.

Ulla Popken: Extra 30% off Sale items. Promo code:E44C129B, Plus 3.0% Cash Back!

Register  Ebates ($5 Sign Up Bonus) and See More Extra Cash Back Sale Deals!
Note:Get Cash Back Rebates When You Shopping Online(Rebates website give you $5 Sign Up Bonus, and once you accumulate just $10, you can request a payment, either Paypal or a check!). Highly Recommend Mr.rebates, ,since 2002 and has an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau . Or You can chose Ebates,,the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping.( Or You can try a new Online Shopping Rebate Site: Extrabux, ).The iHerb Coupon Code LUH757 is up to $10 off of any first-time purchase of $40 or more for new customers,details: .

Sunday, December 28, 2014



Extrabux美國網路購物New Year 2015新年優惠促銷 (12/29/2014)
Foot Action:滿120美元83折,折扣碼:LKS14D6L,返利8%
Foot Action:美國運動服飾零售商,在美國、波多黎各等地區共有319家門店。面向熱愛街頭體育的男性,專注於運動鞋和運動服市場,與耐克、阿迪達斯、喬丹等上百家知名體育用品生產商建立了長期合作關係。

Campmor: Timberland天伯倫裝備3折起,返利5.5%



BCBG (BCBG Max Azria) 是設計師同名品牌,BCBG的設計既充滿美國自由風格,又帶有歐洲的細膩,你可以找到多樣的服裝款式以滿足女性不同的生活需求。


記得你在美國網絡購物都可以用美國網路購物返利網站(註冊就都送5美元)得到返利節省購物成本(建議先註冊備用),推薦使用Mr.rebates(返 利 先生: ),信譽優良,返利有保障,也可以嘗試新興的Extrabux ),現在返利比例高!(另一個經典返利網站是Ebates 跟單技術強,返利穩定 )三個都註冊後輪著使用,可以拿到註冊送的15美元。美國網上購物新手推薦綜合購物網站iHerb快遞直郵可追蹤,部分支援中文。網址: ,使用iHerb優惠碼LUH757還有新用戶首次購物立減10美元優惠

Extrabux New Year's Coupons and Deal:Equipment,BCBG,Campmor+Extra Cash Back

Extrabux makes it easy to earn cash back and find coupons at the stores you love.

Extrabux 2015 New Year's Day Sales, Coupons and Hot Deal(12/28/2014):
Equipment: Extra 25% off Sale items.Promo Code: HOLIDAY25 Plus 5.5% cash back!

BCBG:Up to 60% off Winter Sale. Plus 3% cash back!

Foot Action:17% off all orders over $120 ,Discount Code: LKS14D6L Plus 8% cash back!

Campmor: Up to 70% off select Timberland Gear. Plus 5.5% cash back!

Register Extrabux($5 Sign Up Bonus) and See More Deals!

Note:Get Cash Back Rebates When You Shopping Online(Rebates website give you $5 Sign Up Bonus, and once you accumulate just $10, you can request a payment, either Paypal or a check!). Highly Recommend Mr.rebates, ,since 2002 and has an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau . Or You can chose Ebates,,the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping.( Or You can try a new Online Shopping Rebate Site: Extrabux, ).The iHerb Coupon Code LUH757 is up to $10 off of any first-time purchase of $40 or more for new customers,details: .

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Ebates美國網路購物返利網站新年優惠年終促銷:Foot Locker,BH Cosmetics,Aldo Shoes+返利


美國網上購物New Year 2015新年熱門優惠返利促銷:
Foot Locker:階梯折扣,滿75美元85折,折扣碼:LKS14D5B,滿120美元減20美元,促銷碼:LKS14D24,返利3.0%
Foot Locker:世界上最大的體育運動用品連鎖零售商,宣導一種“專業體育的藝術”。對於Footlocker“藝術”,其解釋為:“用我們獨到的眼光,讓顧客有機會在同一地方、從上千種運動產品中選出自己的最愛。”

Banana Republic:全場5折起,返利7.0%
Banana Republic香蕉共和國為GAP集團旗下比較偏向貴族風格,設計款式較為流行新穎,屬於中高價位服飾品牌,是美國大眾普遍接受且喜歡的品牌之一。

BH Cosmetics:使用優惠碼:5HWD,當家眼影和調色盤Hollywood Eyeshadow and Blush Palette僅售5美元,滿50美元免郵費,Ebates返利7.5%
BH Cosmetics美國高品質化妝品品牌,其彩妝閃亮眼影產品十分知名。

Aldo Shoes:節日購物季Holiday Sale促銷5折起,返利4.0%

ALDO Shoes:來自“小巴黎”加拿大蒙特利爾的ALDO,以創造高品質的時尚鞋類、皮革製品見長。


記得你在美國網絡購物都可以用美國網路購物返利網站(註冊就都送5美元)得到返利節省購物成本(建議先註冊備用),推薦使用Mr.rebates(返 利 先生: ),信譽優良,返利有保障,也可以嘗試新興的Extrabux ),現在返利比例高!(另一個經典返利網站是Ebates 跟單技術強,返利穩定 )三個都註冊後輪著使用,可以拿到註冊送的15美元。美國網上購物新手推薦綜合購物網站iHerb快遞直郵可追蹤,部分支援中文。網址: ,使用iHerb優惠碼LUH757還有新用戶首次購物立減10美元優惠

Ebates New Year's Hot Deal,Coupon and Sale:BH Cosmetics,Aldo Shoes,Foot Locker+Cash Back

Ebates:the pioneer and Leader of online Cash Back Shopping.

Ebates 2015 New Year's Day Sales, Coupons and Hot Deals (12/25/2014):
BH Cosmetics:Hollywood Eyeshadow and Blush Palette Now: $5. Coupon Code: 5HWD, Free shipping on $50+ order. + 7.5% Cash Back

Aldo Shoes: 50% off Holiday Sale. Plus 4.0% Cash Back!

Foot Locker:15% off $75+ order, Promo Code: LKS14D5B; $20 off $120+ order,Code: LKS14D24. Exclusions may apply. + 3.0% Cash Back

Banana Republic: Up to 50% off any order. Plus 7.0% Cash Back

Register  Ebates ($5 Sign Up Bonus) and See More Extra Cash Back Sale Deals!
Note:Get Cash Back Rebates When You Shopping Online(Rebates website give you $5 Sign Up Bonus, and once you accumulate just $10, you can request a payment, either Paypal or a check!). Highly Recommend Mr.rebates, ,since 2002 and has an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau . Or You can chose Ebates,,the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping.( Or You can try a new Online Shopping Rebate Site: Extrabux, ).The iHerb Coupon Code LUH757 is up to $10 off of any first-time purchase of $40 or more for new customers,details: .

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

返利先生MrRebates美國網路購物返利網站新年優惠:Bergdorf Goodman,Laura Geller,A.T. Cross+返利


Mr.Rebates 2015新年New Year'優惠折扣促銷(12/25/2014):
Bergdorf Goodman: Sale區名品4折起,全場免郵費和退換貨費用,返利5%
百年奢侈品百貨波道夫·古德曼 (Bergdorf Goodman) 集世界首席設計師之名牌于一堂,是美國著名的時尚傳統百貨公司之一,目前屬內曼·馬庫斯 (Neiman Marcus) 集團旗下。

Fossil(化石):國際知名時尚腕表生產商,Fossil品牌定位為 ”歡樂、真實、自然”,品牌設計靈感源於美國中世紀的經典復古元素。除時尚手錶外,產品線亦包括包袋、首飾等。

Laura Geller:正裝Full Size 6件套35折起均一價$59,滿50美元免郵費,MrRebates返利6%
Laura Geller是好萊塢著名的化妝師同名專業彩妝品牌,很出名的是烘焙烤盤眼影和腮紅。

A.T. Cross:使用優惠碼:PRESENT,,第二件半價,返利12%



記得你在美國網絡購物都可以用美國網路購物返利網站(註冊就都送5美元)得到返利節省購物成本(建議先註冊備用),推薦使用Mr.rebates(返 利 先生: ),信譽優良,返利有保障,也可以嘗試新興的Extrabux ),現在返利比例高!(另一個經典返利網站是Ebates 跟單技術強,返利穩定 )三個都註冊後輪著使用,可以拿到註冊送的15美元。美國網上購物新手推薦綜合購物網站iHerb快遞直郵可追蹤,部分支援中文。網址: ,使用iHerb優惠碼LUH757還有新用戶首次購物立減10美元優惠

Mr.Rebates New Year Coupons and Sale:Laura Geller,A.T. Cross,Bergdorf Goodman+Extra Cash Back

Mr.Rebates offer a cash back rebate at over 2000 popular stores, you will save money with daily,latest money-saving coupons and special sales/price.

MrRebates New Year's Day 2015 Deals, Coupons and Sale (12/24/2014):
Laura Geller: 65% off Full Size 6 Piece Set - $59, Free Shipping on $50+ Order, 6% Cash Back Rebate.
Laura Geller Beauty offers an inviting collection of the highest quality cosmetics in flattering, wearable shades. Laura Geller is reknown as the pioneer of Baked productsult-favorite, multi-tasking powders that deliver remarkably vibrant color.

A.T. Cross: Buy 1 Get 1 50% off, Coupon Code: PRESENT, 12% Cash Back Rebate.
Cross pens offer legendary Cross quality and design. Find all types of pens, pencils and refills at A.T. Cross.

Bergdorf Goodman:Free Shipping and Free Returns on Any Order, Up to 60% off Designer Sale,5% Cash Back Rebate.
Standing at the crossroads of fashion at Fifth Avenue and 58th Street in New York City, Bergdorf Goodman is known throughout the world for elegance, luxury, and superior service. Discover all this and more online at

Fossil:30% off Select Men's and Women's Styles, 8% Cash Back Rebate.

Fossil offers one of the largest selection of fashionable watches, sunglasses, leather goods and apparel.

Register Mr.Rebates ($5 Sign Up Bonus),See More Coupons and Deals and Get Extra Cash Back!

Note:Get Cash Back Rebates When You Shopping Online(Rebates website give you $5 Sign Up Bonus, and once you accumulate just $10, you can request a payment, either Paypal or a check!). Highly Recommend Mr.rebates, ,since 2002 and has an "A+" rating with the Better Business Bureau . Or You can chose Ebates,,the pioneer and leader of online Cash Back Shopping.( Or You can try a new Online Shopping Rebate Site: Extrabux, ).The iHerb Coupon Code LUH757 is up to $10 off of any first-time purchase of $40 or more for new customers,details: .